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Voters on the go should see more about how Dan Osborn is different. Career politicians in both parties in Washington are beholden to corporate special interests and doing nothing to change the broken status quo. Dan is different - Independent, Navy and Nebraska national guard veteran, and industrial mechanic. In the Senate, there is nobody like Dan Osborn that works for a living—we finally have a chance to change that.

Nebraskans requesting their ballots and voting early need to read more about Dan as soon as possible. Dan’s story and service record contrasts with Senator Deb Fischer who is part of the problem in a Washington controlled by special interests. Fischer got ten times richer while in Washington, took millions from special interests, hasn’t held a public town hall in years and broke her pledges on term limits, the deficit, and securing the border. Deb Fischer forgot Nebraska: she has changed.

Republicans need to read that when it comes to deficit spending Dan Osborn is the only true conservative on the budget in the race and the only candidate who will secure the border.

Democrats need to read about Dan’s story and that there is no Democrat on the ballot. Deb Fischer has supported an extreme national abortion ban without exceptions for incest or assault which Dan Osborn opposes.

In the future, voters should see how Dan’s story contrasts with Senator Deb Fischer being part of the problem in a Washington controlled by special interests. She got ten times richer while in Washington, takes millions from special interests and votes accordingly,hasn’t held a public town hall in years, and broke her pledges on term limits and deficit spending, Deb Fischer forgot Nebraska and can’t be trusted.

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